HK3D Introduces an Infinity of 3D Print Solutions with the new Rinse-Away Support Material
6 August 2015
The boundaries of what is possible with entry level 3D printing have now been removed by HK3D, as it introduces the new Infinity Rinse Away technology from 3D Systems. The complexity of designs were previously constrained by the likelihood of damage to intricate parts due to the hazardous processes involved in removing support material.
This amazing new support material enables PlasticJet Printing (PJP) users to break beyond historical limitations as it permits the possibility of elaborate patterns with degrees of freedom and suspension in space that were previously thought impossible.
Available on the 3D Systems Cube series of 3D Printing machines, the new Infinity Rinse-Away support material is a water soluble filament that enables end users to print parts with rinse-away supports. The rinse-away supports are easy and fast to remove for great looking finished parts. Designers and component developers no longer have to deal with 'support stubble' that is often left behind with the old break away support materials.
Compatible with PLA plastics, the Infinity Rinse-Away support material can be washed away by either holding the part under running water or by placing the part in a tub of warm water to soak for a few minutes. Environmentally friendly, the Infinity Rinse-Away is a biodegradable, corn-based plastic material that dissolves completely in water and is not toxic to use. In fact, the new material is as safe to use as children's crafting glue.
Only designated as a printing support material, the Infinity Rinse-Away prints in standard resolution and does not impact upon the resolution of the primary part being printed. The Infinity Rinse-Away print cartridges are no different from current PLA and ABS cartridges and the standard shelf life of 12 months holds true for these cartridges as well. Ken Whild, Sales Director at HK3D, said: “How the parts are cleaned is a question that customers always ask, so this really is exciting news. We see it as a game changer in this market sector.”