hyperMILL 2014.2 Perfection down to the smallest detail

12 January 2015

hyperMILL 2014.2 Perfection down to the smallest detail

The latest release of high-end CAM software from OPEN MIND Technologies, hyperMILL® 2014.2 has now been launched. In addition to a number of new functions, there are also many enhancements to existing functions within the existing hyperMILL framework.

OPEN MIND is one of the worlds leading CAM manufacturers and hyperMILL® is regarded as one of the best CAM systems on the market, according to the NC Market Analysis Report 2014 compiled by CIMdata, an independant market research company. OPEN MIND is releasing the second version this year in order to live up to market expectations and to offer users one of the most innovative CAM solutions available. In addition to a key extension for solid modelling in hyperCAD®-S, the CAD part of the system, hyperMILL® 2014.2 features a range of improvements for CAD programmers and machining.

3D shape Z-level finishing
When it comes to Z-level finishing, CAD systems usually simply follow the X and Y coordinates. If the bottom surface is curved, the milling result is not optimal and it is necessary to perform a number of rework machining steps. A new function for 3D shape Z-level finishing makes it possible to reference curved bottom surfaces, after which the milling paths are aligned. As a result, the milling tool nestles optimally along the boundary edge between the bottom and the wall. All intermediate levels are offsets of the bottom plane.

The OPEN MIND soft bounding concept is also integrated into this new function. This ensures that the boundaries to adjacent surfaces are calculated more precisely and that sharp outer edges are machined more smoothly. User benefits include an optimised finish and reduced programming and machining times.

3D rest material machining
The open, deep, steep and flat areas of cavities can be machined in one job with collision avoidance. The rest material areas that are recognised during the collision avoidance are transferred automatically to the subsequent job. To this end, optimal tool selection and positioning once again take place. For example, a longer tool or modified position. This process is repeated until the required contour is achieved. Work here has been greatly simplified for CAM programmers.

hyperMAXX® improvements
The hyperMAXX® high-performance cutting (HPC) module for hyperMILL® has also undergone some upgrading. This includes plunging the milling tool into the material around pre-drilled holes. This saves ‘ramping-in’ the milling tool at the start of machining. The greatest advantage of this method is that it protects tools, particularly in materials that are difficult to cut. The machining process is also collision-checked. Furthermore, it is now possible to select a zigzag mode in hyperMAXX®. This mode is particularly suited to machining large workpieces, as it prevents time-consuming repositioning movements, thereby significantly shortening machining times.

2D plunge milling
2D plunge milling is another new feature. Here, material is removed solely by plunging a milling tool. The new cycle is suitable for both roughing and finishing. The advantage here once again lies in the fast machining and particular suitability for materials that are difficult to cut.

hyperMILL 2014.2 Perfection down to the smallest detail hyperMILL 2014.2 Perfection down to the smallest detail hyperMILL 2014.2 Perfection down to the smallest detail

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