ITC Taps Into New Markets
7 September 2012
Since signing distribution agreements with a world leading manufacturers of tapping and threading products, Industrial Tooling Corporation (ITC) has employed a technical expert in threading applications and now followed this up by launching the first issue of its Tapping & Threading Catalogue.
Now boasting access to the UK's most comprehensive range of tapping products with a vast selection in stock for immediate delivery, ITC's first tapping catalogue has 36 pages of detailed information with further products available upon request. The new series of GX tapping products from ITC is available for high or low volume tapping of components in a diverse selection of materials from copper, plastics, aluminium and cast aluminium through to steels, cast irons, nickel and titanium alloys. With the ability to run four times faster than competitor taps whilst drastically improving tool life, the new styles and grades are available for through and blind holes.
The new catalogue offers a comprehensive selection of products that includes taps from M1 to M24 with spiral points and flutes in long and standard lengths with through coolant and a selection of coating options for all material types. Complementing the extensive range of taps is the new range of thread formers that are available with or without through coolant and oil grooves. Completing the product range are wire inserts taps, carbide threadmills and mini threadmills as well as specialised tapping heads for improving performance and tool life. With all products available in metric and imperial dimensions, ITC has invested in supporting the range with technical expertise beyond the realms of its competitors.
To set its tapping and threading catalogue apart from its competitors, ITC has put technical hints and tips at the foot of each page. This allows customers to identify the benefits of each product as well as how to improve the performance of each product with everything from advice on swarf control and speeds and feeds through to corresponding tool holding products. Additionally, each product in the new catalogue is supported by information on drilling and holemaking products available. This provides the customer with the tools to complete each process to the highest possible productivity and quality levels.
The new catalogue can be downloaded from the ITC website or to receive a printed copy, please contact your local ITC representative on Tel: 01827 304500. Alternately, if you would like to discuss your specific holemaking and threading issues, our technical expert with over 25 years of threading experience is available to support your needs.